Important Is Spice As A Taste?

Spice is very important in all types of food to make it tasty and flavourful. Indian and Mexican food are considered the spiciest foods.

Spices are the ingredients that bring out the real taste of cuisine. They add aroma, color, and flavor to any simple dish

In India, spices are considered an immunity booster. For example, turmeric, cloves, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, all have health benefits and when they are infused with other vegetables and grains they not only enhance the taste of the food but also make it healthy.

A simple regular dal becomes delicious when boiled and tempered with spices and the same goes with all other vegetables and grains.

“A food without spice is just like a sky without stars.”

The sky looks beautiful when it has sparkling stars and food becomes tasty when it has a sprinkle of spices in it.

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