Is Indian Food Really Spicy?

Not just Indians. Every country has its own ethnic traditional way of cooking that has more than commonly known spices. Here's some real reasons why we have and preserved

  1. India is one of the oldest civilizations in the world. Dating back to atleast 40,000 years, many believe India and its surroundings is where human civilizations began. All these years, people evolved with their food and eating habits. Comparatively, migration of Europeans to Americas and rest of the world was pretty recent.
  2. Indians harvested round the year. With a steady 12 full months of sunlight and three distinct seasons that had ample rainfall, well planned and structured cannalisation of some of the major rivers in the country, there was agriculture and harvesting throughout the year. A peppercorn harvested in June tastes much different to that harvested in January and so there's a good diversity in flavour profiles.
  3. There was a fair amount of science behind using Indian spices. Ayurveda, one of the oldest medical sciences uses almost every “spice” that's found in an Indian household. The ancient legends knew much more about food and their effects on our body, understanding and differentiating micros from macros. 99% of spices used today in Indian homes, in one way or the other has a medicinal use. As a result, people preserved them. If you really don't like the flavour of tumeric, you'd preserve them at home for its antibiotic property atleast, and as a result, families took up to prevent these from dying out.
  4. The basic Shraddha with which people were educated. This is still prevalent in many Indians who grew up here in the native lifestyle (though urban). The Vedic way of schooling consists of four to five stages where the stident first learns a concept by heart, then learns to recite it in proper annotation, then learns the meaning of it and then the very last part of the education, is allowed to question and seek explanations of the system. To comment on a topic, one needs to know about it well, to negate something one needs to know it thoroughly. This system has created a sense of acceptance, which is why the Dhal tadka or sambar vada is made the same way as it was prepared a few thousand years ago (citation required.
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